Lung conditions, including lung cancer, are estimated to cost approximately £9.9 billion each year to wider society, and hospital admissions for lung disease have risen over the last seven years at three times the rate of all admissions (NHS Long Term Plan)
The long term plan sets out some bold ambitions for improving prevention, treatment and care over the next 10 years.
The HSJ National Respiratory Forum will bring together the key stakeholders who need to work together to achieve the NHS aims on respiratory disease.
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Who Attends?
- Clinical chairs and directors of commissioning from CCGs
- Clinical leads and clinical directors from STPs/ICSs
- Executive directors and clinical leads from GP Federations and Primary Care Networks
- Heads of Clinical Networks
- Clinical directors, respiratory consultants, specialist nurses, pharmacists and physiotherapists from secondary providers
- GPs, community nurses and practice nurses
- Very senior managers from arms’ length bodies including NHS England and NHS Improvement
- Leaders in public health from local authorities
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Key Themes
The long term plan sets out some bold ambitions for improving prevention, treatment and care of respiratory disease over the next 10 years, with the ambition to ‘transform our outcomes to equal, or better, our international counterparts’. Plans include:
- detecting and diagnosing respiratory problems sooner
- increasing access to pulmonary rehabilitation and self management support
- supporting those with respiratory disease to recieve and use the right medication
- establishing an evidence base for joint pulmonary and cardiac rehabilitation
- expanding lung health checks to higher risk populations
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